Thursday, 5 April 2012

Who was Charles Kettering?

Mr. Charles Kettering, was the vice president and director of research at 'General Motors' (GM) from 1920 to 1947. Under his leadership, scientists at GM patented Freon, the fluoride-based refrigerant in 1928.

'General Motors' and 'DuPont' (A company founded in 1802) worked together to manufacture Freon and jointly reaped the benefits. The sale of Freon increased by a factor of 17 between 1931 and 1943, generating $35 million in gross revenues.

However, in 1935, a GM and DuPont toxicity study revealed that the hydrofluoric acid
(A.K.A. Hydrogen Fluoride), a key component in Freon, was highly toxic no matter how small the exposure. Workers who breathed the gas suffered lung hemorrhaging and liver damage.

Six months after this study was complete, Kettering was appointed to the American Dental Association's (ADA). A three-person advisory committee for the research in dental caries, which would publish a compilation of research in tooth decay.

Kettering's financial interest in fluoride was never disclosed to the dentists who read the publication. Nor was the fact that he had donated his own money to support the ADA's activities.

In 1950, the American Dental Association's (ADA) and the 'Federal Public Health Service'
(Under the control of former Alcoa lawyer 'Oscar Ewing') worked together to promote Fluoridation.

Oral History Interview with Oscar R. Ewing ~ By J.R. Fuchs
A transcript of a tape-recorded interview conducted for the 'Harry S. Truman Library'.
Paragraphs 242 ~ 237

Public Health Service (P.H.S.) scientist Trendley Dean, the first director of the National Institute of Dental Research, was sent west.  As Secretary of the Treasury, Andrew Mellon had authority over the PHS, and Mellon founded and was the controlling shareholder of Alcoa.

Dean's mission was to research communities where naturally occurring fluoride was high in the water supply, to see how much fluoride children’s teeth could absorb before disintegrating.  There was an obvious conflict of interest in Dean’s research.

Dean announced his results and made the statement that fluoride in the water supply decreased tooth decay in children. A man, who was specifically assigned to investigate what damage a particular chemical did to teeth, somehow concluded that the chemical was actually good for them.  To paraphrase Dean’s findings: “As children’s teeth disintegrate, they may have fewer cavities.”
~ “Fluoride and the Aging Factor”, Page 99 ~ By Yiamouyiannis

First city ever to have fluoride in their municipal water supply was Grand Rapids, Michigan.

A 10 year study was undertaken between the fluoridated city of ‘Grand Rapids’ and the non-fluoridated ‘Newburgh city’. In 5 years, it was found that the population of Newburgh had better teeth than that of Grand Rapids. The public water of Newburgh city was quickly fluoridated to stop any further comparison.

The man in charge of the Newburgh fluoridation project was David Ast; another fluoridation legend who attended the secret Manhattan Project meetings regarding the New Jersey accident, according to recently declassified documents.

Naturally occurring fluoride in the water supply is usually composed of fluorine and calcium atoms.  What component of dissolved calcium fluoride might have a positive effect on bones and teeth?  The calcium aspect was ignored, while the fluorine component was obsessively pursued.  The fluoride compounds artificially added to the water supply are sodium fluoride and fluosilicic acid, which are industrial waste by-products.

See “The Fluoride Deception” Chapter 14, Pages 176-183 ~ By Christopher Bryson

The situation was so skewed that the Program F scientists published a 1948 paper that ran in the Journal of the American Dental Association (A.D.A.), describing the health effects on humans. Griffiths and Bryson obtained the original report, now declassified, and found that the Atomic Energy Commission censored the harmful health effects that were documented.

Griffiths and Bryson wrote:

“This was a study of the dental and physical health of workers in a factory producing fluoride for the A-bomb program, conducted by a team of dentists from the Manhattan Project.  The secret version reports that most of the men had no teeth left.”

“The published version reports only that the men had fewer cavities.  The secret version says the men had to wear rubber boots because the fluoride fumes disintegrated the nails in their shoes.  The published version does not mention this.”

“The secret version says the fluoride may have acted similarly on the men's teeth, contributing to their toothlessness. The published version omits this statement.”

“The published version concludes that ‘the men were unusually healthy, judged from both a medical and dental point of view.”

“Animals avoided the facility where the hydrogen fluoride was used.  All microorganisms were killed, so food left in the facility would never decay. The hydrogen fluoride etched the facility’s windows and the workers' glasses, so they needed to be continually replaced.”

“The workers also developed lesions and a type of “sunburn” from working there.
Nearby elementary schools had their windows etched from hydrogen fluoride releases.”

Hodge was already dead by the time Griffiths and Bryson discovered the damning declassified documents, but David Ast was still alive and was named in the documents as active in the nuclear establishment's damage-control efforts.

Ast oversaw the Newburgh New York fluoridation experiment.  Griffiths and Bryson confronted Ast with the declassified documents' revelations. David pulled a Ronald Reagan, claiming no recollection of those activities.

There were major studies performed by the government on fluorine during those World War II days and shortly thereafter. With the exception of the recently declassified version of the report published in JADA in 1948, the others are still classified, despite significant efforts by Griffiths and Bryson to get them declassified using the Freedom of Information Act.

One entire area of study still classified is that regarding the effects of fluorine on the central nervous system.

Recently declassified memos show that on April 29, 1944, Colonel Warren approved a Central Nervous System (CNS) research proposal. Hodge wrote the proposal.  The memo accompanying the proposal said:

"Clinical evidence suggests that (uranium hexafluoride) may have a rather marked central nervous system effect with mental confusion, drowsiness and lassitude as the conspicuous features.  It seems most likely that the F [code for fluoride] component rather than the T [Code for uranium] is the causative factor."

This document can be seen in the picture section of Christopher Bryson’s "The Fluoride Deception".
It can also be found on the Internet.

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