John Yiamouyiannis, in his influential Fluoride and the
Aging Factor, described how the fluorine ion disrupts enzyme activity and
attacks DNA and protein.
In his theories, backed up by research, the fluorine ion
particularly disrupts hydrogen bonds. When chemicals are dumped together, the
elements that have a higher bonding affinity will “steal” the bonds from other
elements. Because it holds its electrons
more tightly than any other element, fluorine forms the smallest negatively
charged ions of all the elements, and that small size allows them to go where
larger ions cannot.
Those fluorine ions can get into the nooks and crannies of
larger molecules, such as enzymes and DNA, and wreak biological havoc. Those
fluorine ions disrupt weaker bonds in those larger molecules, damaging or
destroying the original substance, disabling its biochemical usefulness.
The fluorine ion acts similarly to “free radicals” in the
body, with its net electrical charge interfering with biochemical reactions.
This is how the fluorine ion harms or kills people.
The Genetic Damage Caused by Fluoride (Chromosomal changes
in cells):
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